Thursday 27 February 2014

LOL Jokes: How to counter Zed

LOL Jokes: How to counter Zed

This is a tip to counter Zed. If you do this the game is yours. 

LOL Jokes: My team sucked so much.

LOL Jokes: My team sucked so much.

LOL Jokes:Best Teemo ult placement.

LOL Jokes:Best Teemo ult placement.

LOL Jokes: Ult fail?

What do you think: this ult will fail? Please leave a comment below and tel us. The best answer will get a prize.

LOL Jokes: Ult fail?

1v6 LOL game - First Hexakill

Take a look at this video and tell us what you think by leaving a comment. I have noticed a lot of hate recently for Athene. A lot of users disliked this video because the say that the players he played against were either nobs or they let him win.

To make it clear for you here are the players he played against.
Yazmataz182 (quinn) - lvl 12 
Zealottas (graves) - lvl 7 
pl1x (ryze) - lvl 12 
mrmist3241 (tryndamere) - lvl 13 
Superbe (zed) - lvl5 
KiDrosm (irelia) - lvl 4

Athene is a sponsor for the Save The Children charity organisation, he even have a live streaming channel right here, and in my opinion I think he is a good guy. I respect his work and I respect him.

For those who say that he is nob and idiot and so on, please look at the title : 1v6 LoL Athene World First + Hexakill #2pro4LCS. He never said he was plaing against diamond or challenger. Actually that would have been literally impossible.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Short question:

Hi guys.
I just have a short question for you today. Do you like my blog?
If you do please make sure you tell more about us to your friends or perhaps share this website to you social networks. That will really help us.

Thank you, and may the power of Penta Kill be with you!

Friday 7 February 2014

LOL Jokes: Till I collapse!

LOL Jokes: Undercover

LOL Jokes:Blitz Support

LOL Jokes: Fat MaMa

LOL Jokes: Kids

LOL Jokes: ..

LOL Jokes: Mexico

LOL Jokes: Shaco

LOL Jokes: Trolls

LOL Jokes: N00BS

LOL Jokes: Forrest wasn't the smartest kid!

LOL Jokes: Udyr

LOL Jokes: Damage

LOL Jokes: Feed Pantheon

LOL Jokes: Evil Teemo

LOL Jokes: That's why!

LOL Jokes: Feded

LOL Jokes: Noobs everywhere

LOL Jokes: Just farm

LOL Jokes: Warwick and his family