Monday 27 January 2014

LOL Jokes: Captain Obvious

LOL Jokes: Vladimir.

LOL Jokes: Ezreal is gay

LOL Jokes: Olaf troll

LOL Jokes: Michael Jaxon

LOL Jokes: ?

LOL Jokes: Friends

LOL Jokes: Ganked

LOL Jokes: Pentakill

LOL Jokes: Kser

LOL Jokes: I support

Saturday 25 January 2014

LOL Jokes: Surprise in the deep Jungle

LOL Jokes: Ganked

LOL Jokes: Ranked Sucks!

LOL Jokes: Always!

LOL Jokes: KILL Him!

LOL Jokes: Team when you need help

LOL Jokes: Best with Master Yi

LOL Jokes: Asian Level

LOL Jokes: Play ranked they said!

LOL Jokes: Always Teemo

LOL Jokes: Flash

Thursday 23 January 2014

LOL Jokes: Bad team

LOL Jokes: Pick Udyr

LOL Jokes: Free wallpaper

LOL Jokes: Teemo invisible

LOL Jokes: SurpRyze

LOL Jokes: The perfect team

LOL Jokes: Stunned by Twisted

LOL Jokes: Kartus jungle

LOL Jokes: First Mid

LOL Jokes: Counter Elise

LOL Jokes: Waiting for players...

True story. Happens almost every time!! Waiting for other players...

LOL Jokes: Rammus Rollin'

Tuesday 21 January 2014

What is bot?

In league of legends bot is short for bottom lane or the part of the map which is below the middle :).
Usually on bot lanes there are tank champions but not necessarily.

If warded right this lane is pretty hard to be ganked.

Recommended solo bot champions: Darius, Vladimir, Jayce, Irelia, Olaf, Jax and Rengar.

What is bot? The bottom lane. What is a lane. The part of the map.

What is mid?

Mid, or middle represent the lane of the map that is in middle. Here is an image:

On the right and the left side you have bushes that we recommend you that most of the time to be warded. Usually mid is played by champions that can solo and that have  range (but not always). Anyway the mid champion should focus the most on farm because he will be the ad/ap carry and a huge part of the game will be influenced by him.

On low levels, beginner summoners tend to wanna play most on mid and you can see pretty often in chat comments like "Mid or feed!". After level 30 they start to understand this concept and being on the other lane will not be such a big problem. And then there are noobs.. :)

What is mid? What is mid lane? Who do you play mid? mid. League of Legends. LoL

Saturday 18 January 2014

How to play LoL? Beginner's Guide

Do you want to start playing LoL but you just simply can't understand the game?  Do you want to know how to improve your gaming skills at this game? Here is a video that will help you to understand how this strategy games 'works' and how you can increase your chances of wining.

I do not belong the video. But I think it would be useful.